Dr. Jeremy Steiner, PhD, DAOM reveals...
His New Spinal Protocol System World Class Acupuncturists Are Using To Unlock The Body’s Natural Ability To Heal
(With Only 4 Needles and 20 Minute Treatments)

From The Desk of Dr. Jeremy Steiner, PhD, DAOM

Dear Fellow Acupuncturist, 

If you want to consistently produce first visit success result for any patient regardless of their pain/disease, in just 20 minutes treatment, delivered entirely through the spine, using just 4 needles…

The replay above and special offer on this page will show you how!

Now if you’re a bit skeptical (much like our acupuncture patients lol), I totally get it.

It wasn’t that long ago I’d actually become disillusioned with Acupuncture.  

Every day I'd jam up my treatment rooms with crazy long 60-90 minute appointments. 

I'd play a game of trial and error needling countless acupoints hoping to produce results for my patients.

But nothing I did came close to providing lasting relief for my patients.

Sadly, I realized that...

The treatments I learned in Acupuncture school simply were not working.

And the lack of fast results fueled the skepticism many of my patients already had about Acupuncture.

Over time... trying to keep appointments on my calendar felt like filling a leaky bucket.

Needless to say, my bank account and my confidence were at an all time low. 

I had to make a decision… 

Go "All In" on my Acupuncture career or quit.

I chose "All In" and set out on a journey to learn from some of the best medical professionals around the world...

And that journey still continues today,  but... 

After 9 years and over $200,000 invested, I developed a simple Spinal Protocol System that became the game-changer… 

(And you’re about to discover the newest, most-streamlined version when you keep reading.)

I began to incorporate this Spinal Protocol System when treating patients in my practice. 

I tested, I improved, I refined... 

Before long, my patients began experiencing results that were previously unachievable.

Not just unachievable with Acupuncture, but unachievable through any other medical modality. 

Word quickly got out and before I knew it, Medical Doctors started referring their patients to me.

I was soon treating 60-100 patients per week!

Thanks to the Spinal Protocol System, I’ve been able to…

  • Become a highly successful practitioner, treating close to 100 patients a week.  
  • Grow my practice to over $500,000/yr without spending a dollar on advertising.
  • ​Get published in the prestigious “2019 Lhasa Catalog” and got featured on the front cover of “Health, Wellness, and Fitness Magazine.” 
  • ​Rise to the ranks of widely acknowledged practitioners by getting highlighted in the 2015 edition of “NJ Top Docs”.

Now, I want to give you the same opportunity…

The rare opportunity to learn this new Spinal Protocol system, apply it in your practice, and drastically transform your clinical outcomes...

That's why I’m excited to offer you a special discounted access to the professional studio recordings of all 8 video modules in my recently released course titled... Electron Adapted Neurotherapy (E.A.N) In Action...

Inside this course, you will see this Spinal Protocol System in action, and learn exactly how World Class Acupuncturists use this New Spinal Protocol System to unlock the body’s natural ability to heal in just 20 minutes of treatment.

And when you begin to apply this methodology in your practice, you can expect…

  • Increased confidence with no more trial and error, because this New Spinal Protocol System allows for simple diagnosis and treatment that gets its right the first time. 
  • ​Optimal results with just 20-minute treatment time, so you can handle more appointments while also accommodating the busy schedule of your patients. 
  • ​​Reduction in unnecessary needling. You’ll only need 4 needles to treat any disease, anywhere in the body, without ever having to leave the spine.
  • 85% success rate for your patients. More than 8 out of 10 patients will notice significant pain relief within 24 hours of treatment.

So it's up to you...

If you want to create breakthrough results for your patients in short treatment times and create lasting relief that gives them a reason to come back…

Then implementing this new spinal protocol system in your practice is your key to making it happen. 

My students and I are living proof.

So… if you want to experience how the best Acupuncturists heal patients efficiently so you can do the same in your practice, here's what to do next… 

Grab this special discounted lifetime access to all 8 recorded video sessions of my E.A.N In Action Course today (along with tons of amazing bonus resources)...

And I'll see you on the inside.

- Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner

I’ve had the privilege of helping over 3,000 Acupuncturists improve their clinical results and practices through my EAM Courses & Events
(And here's what they had to say...)
“Taking this course is critical to being at the cutting edge of this medicine. Even after only taking the Foundations course you learn enough to double the effectiveness of your treatments and feel confident with your machine. No more guessing where to clip your leads and how much frequency. Now I can move into treatments with razor-sharp intention and accuracy.”
Lynn M – Acupuncturist, Florida
"The last 19 years I have worked in a hospital setting, researching and utilizing electroacupuncture for treating painful conditions… I attended the EAM Foundation and Advanced Seminar courses, and a door was opened into the future of what acupuncture should/will one day look like. Each of the 4 days I attended provided what I would consider an epiphany of its own. I was blown away... Jeremy is a master at integrating TCM with Western physiology and research, and present methodologies that can work with whatever practice style you currently use. The best money I have ever spent on post graduate education!"
Rick Bernard – Acupuncturist, Teacher, California

"I'm an acupuncturist for 16 years in Pennsylvania, I practice in Springhouse. I came across Jeremy in my many, researches of things that I want to learn further about in my practice of acupuncture. I knew after taking the first one, I wanted to see this man in person. So, today I'm here taking this advanced class. I think it's the first time it's been offered and it's fantastic… his dental class, which is an essential three credit class that you can take online too. I can't recommend it enough since I've started taking Jeremy’s classes online as well as this weekend my practice has increased. I can't even tell you how much it's mostly the successes. My outcomes are much more successful and I have a very high level of expectation for my patients to recover!"
Dana Harbison – Acupuncturist, Pennsylvania

“Patients understand it. Other medical professionals are open to it. Everyone gets it”
“100% of my patients have confirmed positive results and have strongly requested continued EAM care. Difficult to treat, chronic pain has vanished where other approaches have only managed symptoms; Chemotherapy caused symptoms, such as poor digestion and fecal impaction, have been controlled with ease; And deeply engrained psycho-emotional patterns have been gently dispersed with laughter being the main side-effect. There is no end to applications with EAM. This medicine has revolutionized my practice.
 Perhaps the most encouraging aspect of EAM is understanding its mechanisms to provide predictable results for an accurate prognosis and a recommended treatment schedule. The science behind EAM takes out the guesswork, which provides a practical confidence for the treating physician.
 I personally experienced EAM as a demo during the seminar, and it was the most powerful treatment of any approach I have received to date. The minimal investment is pennies compared to what it will yield in practice. The platform casts a language that bridges the gap for energy medicine to emerge as a primary option into the modern healthcare era. Patients understand it. Other medical professionals are open to it. Everyone gets it.”
Roy Page – EAM Practitioner, California
“It makes my practice better and better, busier than ever, and I love it”
 “I started with the foundations course and noticed that it totally changed my practice. It revamped, not that I wasn't getting results before, but it gave me new ways to approach things that I was having trouble with. It gave me new ideas or ways to take what I was doing and make it even more effective. Then for some things that I didn't know about, it gave me just a really cool tool box to apply… did the advanced class and really got a lot out of that. The advanced class has some killer techniques that you really could build a whole practice off of just the advanced techniques, the ways that I've been able to treat pain and some internal issues. It makes my practice better and better, busier than ever, and I love it. “
Sean Weeks – EAM Practitioner, New Mexico
“Went from 1 patient/hour, to now seeing multiple patients per hour, hiring another acupuncturist to help with the patient load, and routinely having a 1-3 month wait list”
“Studying EAM with Jeremy Steiner for the past 4 years has been a game changer. Since the Foundations course, I've found the teachings to be very clinically effective, very adaptable to the body of knowledge that I already had, and importantly, very practical and easy to implement. I've taken countless hours of CEUs over the years, many of which left me scratching my head and struggling to implement the materials once the class was over. Not the case with EAM. As I've progressed through the classes, I've refined my abilities to make quick and accurate differential diagnoses and develop treatment plans based on these with confidence. I'm more capable now tackling complex cases with confidence that I can offer real, lasting healing. And my practice has thrived as a result of all this. I went from seeing one patient per hour, to now seeing multiple patients per hour, hiring another acupuncturist to help with the patient load at my clinic, and routinely having a 1-3 month wait list. I'm very grateful to have discovered these teachings, and highly recommend Jeremy's courses!!’
Andrew Macfarlane- Acupuncturist, Pennsylvania
“My results are faster… and less labor intensive.”
“If you like gadgets, if you like science, then this is for you… My results are faster, more enduring, more predictable and less labor intensive.”

Vicky Lee - Acupuncturist

“Dr. Jeremy Steiner’s courses have revolutionized my practice... been practicing for almost twenty years”
“Dr. Jeremy Steiner’s courses have revolutionized my practice. I’ve been practicing for almost twenty years and have mostly practiced distal acupuncture. After studying with Dr. Jeremy, I’ve been able to help patients who previously hadn’t responded to what I had been doing for them. I’ve only been practicing this for 4 months but have seen good clinical results in the following stubborn cases: spinal stenosis, post surgical pain and stiffness, carpal tunnel syndrome, neuropathy, and chronic Epstein Barre. Recently I treated an 83 year old with chronic Raynaud’s Disease that she’d had for ten years. After 3 treatments, she began coming to her visits with warm hands. In January! She is grateful and so am I. I would whole heartedly recommend anyone who wants to improve their clinical results study with Dr. Jeremy! “
Margaret Celli - Acupuncturist, Pennsylvania
“…Other diagnostic techniques take valuable time away from treatment, his method simplifies the process and leads you to assessing the root cause faster.” 
“I have been in clinical practice for 18 years. Working with Jeremy Steiner and the Electroacupuncture Medicine (EAM) crew has created a major paradigm shift renewing my passion for practicing acupuncture. While other diagnostic techniques take valuable time away from treatment, his P3 method simplifies the process and leads you to assessing the root cause faster. 
I had a 49 year-old patient who wanted relief from back pain. Instead of getting a blank stare by trying to explain how a “liver-spleen disharmony” led to his right-sided back pain and GERD, I was able to tell him how certain digestive valves were stuck open, what led to them (low stomach acid), and then I helped close his valves and increased his digestive capabilities leading to quick and long-lasting relief. I learned these EAM diagnosis and treatment protocols from watching the on-line seminars. I was so astounded by what I have been able to do that I joined the Mastermind program where I get to hone my knowledge and skills further and present my most difficult cases and receive valuable feedback, sometimes on the fly when my patients are on the treatment table. My goal is to be able to diagnose and treat the most complicated cases using the P3 method and the Mastermind program is a major step in that direction.”
Tim Eng - Acupuncturist, Massachusetts
“I can’t say enough about this course…it is worth every penny… My practice will never be the same!”
“Jeremy Steiner’s courses have provided invaluable information and tools that have taken my practice to a whole new level. His unique P3 method of diagnosis and treatment has given me access to providing top quality, effective treatments for my patients for which I would learn nowhere else on the planet! Jeremy has an amazing talent for teaching and freely shares his wealth of knowledge, of which I am constantly astounded. Using the most complicated case studies that we present weekly, we have learned to apply his methods and break them down to simplify treatments with laser focus. I can’t say enough about this course…it is worth every penny… My practice will never be the same!
Mary Hills- Acupuncturist, California
“I’ve been in practice for 21 years, using his classes, I get better results with my most stubborn cases.”
“As an acupuncturist with a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience, I really appreciate how Jeremy has been able to bridge the gap between medicines. I’ve been in practice for 21 years, and have found that EAN has helped me get better results with my most stubborn cases. I can now be more specific with my electro acupuncture application to stimulate certain spinal nerves and/or facilitate the release of specific neurotransmitters for a particular imbalance. In addition, understanding the connection between the teeth and the meridians has helped me become a better detective for complex, unsolved medical mysteries.”
Nicole Cutler- Acupuncturist, New York

“My patient had so much more relief... They prepaid for 8 weeks of care”

“One of the top 5 clinicians I’ve had the privilege to observe”

Now It's Your Turn!...
Today You Can Learn My New Spinal Protocol Method From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

A Step-By-Step 8-Module Video Course Professionally Recorded In A Live TV Studio, Designed Specifically To Turn You Into A Cutting Edge Acupuncturist Who Delivers
Unprecedented Patient Results Using My New Spinal Protocol System.

Check Out What Students Have To Say...
Here's Everything That's Included When You Buy Your E.A.N In Action Course Today

Session 1: Essential Clinical Principles Of EAN & Terrain Theory

  • ​Gain a thorough understanding of the New Medical theory and why this sets a solid foundation in achieving the breakthrough health successes for your patients.
  • ​Why the immune system and circulatory systems play an integral role in all disease, and the best practices for regulating the immune system, so you can provide rapid results to patients even if nothing has worked for them before.
  • ​How E-Qi is the best form of medicine, and how providing this to spinal nerves will completely transform the entire environment of the nerve, organ, and tissue.
  • ​Use 5 Principles of Terrain Theory To Understand The Most Difficult and complicated disease processes, so that you are prepared to handle any disease better than drugs or pharmaceuticals
  • ​How to rapidly diagnose and treat entirely through spinal circuitry and Why a 20 minute treatment duration provides the maximum amount of neurotransmitters which leads to happier patients and breakthrough results​
  • ​Essential research that proves terrain theory, and arms you with the knowledge to effectively communicate with your patients and other health care providers, this aids in your patients following through with their care plan.
  • ​And Much More…

Session 2: MSK Protocol Applications Pt 1- Upper Body  

  • A complete clinical strategy that works fast to assess & treat any type of musculoskeletal disorder
  • ​ 2 fundamental rules used to down regulate pain and inflammation, and how to implement these to influence the nervous system to secrete powerful medicines, so you can create a drastic change in your patient’s disease starting on the very first visit.​
  • ​A 2 needle protocol which targets the trigeminal and facial nerve used to effectively treat bell’s palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, dental pain, sinus pain, and much more.
  • ​3 needle bracketing methods to release and loosen the muscles of the neck, which increases blood flow to nourish the tissues, and switches off discomfort while increasing range of motion and function.
  • ​A protocol to get great results for any type of shoulder injuries or pain, that even works for frozen shoulder, so you can cut the recovery time down to a ¼ of what it would normally be without treatment.
  • ​Very simple yet highly effective treatments for all types of elbow issues including tennis and golfer’s elbow.
  • ​3 steps to eliminating pain and inflammation in hands, wrists or fingers, and how to increase function in these essential areas.
  • ​5 Needling Techniques to use in your clinic right away and how to naturally flow between these different techniques selecting the most effective one for the particular patient in front of you Watch live in person over my shoulder or on professional livestreamed video as I demo each technique, so that you can bring these needling techniques back into your clinic to duplicate my results.

Session 3: MSK Protocol Applications Pt 2- Middle & Lower Body

  • My easy 5 step process for influencing your patient’s cellular regeneration, which greatly increases the healing process of any injury, leading to minimal recovery times and a near immediate return of your patient to full functioning.
  • My 1 back pain protocol which works greater than 85% of the time, on the first visit to reduce pain and inflammation. This protocol has been refined over many years and is designed to achieve the optimal outcome.
  • 2 protocols used together to provide relief and recovery from knee injuries and chronic irritations such as osteoarthritis. How to reverse pathogenic tissue build up or “bone on bone pain” and actually change the physical obstruction. (Ill show you xray proof that we can do this).
  • ​A protocol to get great results for any type of shoulder injuries or pain, that even works for frozen shoulder, so you can cut the recovery time down to a ¼ of what it would normally be without treatment. 
  • A solid protocol to eliminate pain, and swelling in the ankles and feet, and which type of spinal bracketing is best to reverse neuropathy.
  • A 1 needle protocol designed to reactivate muscle groups within minutes, which will give your patient an increased range of motion, more power, extra endurance, and serves to pump away neuroinflammation.

Session 4: IM Protocol Applications Pt 3- Cardiovascular & Respiratory

  • Fast and effective protocols to treat hypertension, arrythmias, and blood lipid disorders, so you can regulate your patient’s cardiovascular system and provide drastic increases in cardiovascular health.
  • The Top Spinal Circuitry Protocols To Prevent Strokes And Heart Attacks.
  • How to diagnose and treat most lung issues from COPD, and Asthma, to upper respiratory infections.
  • Learn To Regulate the autonomic nervous sytem using 2 key protocols which will increase or decreasing oxygenation to the tissues, leading to a fast reversal of the disease process.
  • How the autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a major role in the health of internal organs and the 4 cardinal criteria necessary to influence the ANS

Session 5: IM Protocol Applications Pt 4- Endocrine

  • Fast and effective spinal protocols for the Thyroid, including hashimoto’s, graves, and hypo or hyperthyroidism
  • How to diagnose and treat the #1 endocrine disorder diabetes, so you can help hundreds of patients that the endocrinologist has failed to help
  • Why a deficiency in the adrenal glands is so prevalent in our society, and my “beach” spinal bracketing protocol to provide rest and recovery to the adrenal glands (this is a game changer!)
  • Learn to influence the endocrine system to effectively treat menopause
  • ​How to influence the pituitary to secret powerful medicines such as b-endorphin or acth
  • The 3 essential strategies involved in regulating the Vascular Sympathetic system which can give you the power to increase or decrease blood flow going to an area. This will reduce or increase endocrine functioning leading your patient to rapid and full recovery.

Session 6: IM Protocol Applications Pt 5- Digestive, & Genitourinary

  • How to treat stomach organ issues so that the patient begins absorbing the much needed nutrients from their food while reducing their chances of suffering from autoimmune disorders.
  • How to make adjustments to the small intestine organ and how to trigger the small intestine to increase its functioning.
  • 2 spinal bracketing protocols to dramatically boost fertility in both men and women.
  • Protocols to tackle all forms of urinary bladder dysfunction, and kidney stones
  • Live treatment demonstration to see all these protocols in action

Session 7: Protocol Applications Pt 6- Auricular Spinal Circuitry

  • Learn the quick and easy anatomical method for diagnosis and treatment of the spinal nerve circuitry
  • How to use auricular tissues and MSK locations to provide drastic changes in the terrain such as providing an antiinflammatory, pain releiving, and parasympathetic healing effect
  • How to use the ear to drastically change the your patients inner terrain
  • How to use the ear to restore organ function by upregulating or downregulating the autonomic nervous system leading to a reversal of your patient’s Internal Medicine disease processes
  • Why the smaller area of the ear allows us to benefit, and how to leverage this to achieve massive patient results.
  • ​3 auricular treatment methods and when to use each one
  • ​Watch up close and in high definition as I diagnose and treat the ear, so that you can master auricular spinal bracketing and be able to implement this into your clinic the next day

Session 8: Implementation and Practice Transformation

  • Go through a simple exercise which guarantees you apply what you learned this weekend to your practice and start creating the breakthrough patient results right away
  • The top 3 rules for proper communication with patients and other health care providers, so that you don’t end up confusing the patients and making it much more difficult for them to get results.
  • Turn those breakthrough 1st visit patient results into long term patient care and bookings
  • How to categorize patients into lightly, moderately, and severely diseased by looking at their inner terrain which makes it easy to lay out their treatment plan.
  • Decisive action steps to implement into your clinic which aid in your transformation
  • An extremely simple method to get patient testimonials, which serves to become your best source of new patients.
  • Putting It All Together; How to implement this in a concise manner within your clinic and how this leads to obtaining a greater than 85% success rate, in 20 minutes on the very 1st treatment.

Course Resource #1: 

E.A.N. In Action Course Manual

These are the exact slides that we go through in the course. Owners of this course will receive this as an electronic pdf file, so it is convenient to print and/or use with an iPad to take notes as we go through and do a deep dive into the information.

($250 Value)

Course Resource #2: 

Lifetime Access To All Course Videos

All 8 video sessions of this course are available  in a members only area, and you will receive lifetime access to to re-watch the course videos at your convenience.  (These recordings will retail for $1497 on the website!)

($1497 Value)

Plus Get These Additional Bonuses When You Buy E.A.N In Action Course

Bonus #1: 

E.A.N. MSK Treatment Map

Quick guide to selecting treatment needle locations for pain, inflammation, and musculoskeletal dysfunction

($97 Value)

Bonus #2: 

E.A.N. Internal Medicine Treatment Map

Quick guide to selecting treatment needle locations for Organ dysfunction and Internal Medicine conditions

($97 Value)

Bonus #3: 

E.A.N. Rapid Record Form

Document your E.A.N. treatment with lightening speed using this simple Patient Record form, So you can save time and help more patients.

($97 Value)

Bonus #4: 

E.A.N. Frequency & Power Spectrum Cheat Sheet

Master Frequency & Power variables for E.A.N. Treatments using my personal cheat sheet.

($97 Value)

Bonus #5: 

Headaches & Migraines

Protocols for all of the most commonly seen headache presentations

($75 Value)

Course Bonus #6: 

Pre and Post-Event Zoom Live Sessions

Prepares you to gain the most out of the Live Class, and answers any questions you may have after the event is over.

($297 Value)

Bonus #6: 

Private Facebook Group

Questions and Answers
Access exclusive content and bonuses

($197 Value)

Mega Bonus

Early Access To Electro-Auricular Intensive Course

This is an upcoming course that premieres live in November, and you'll get early access all 4 Modules. 

Retails For $500!​

Here's A Recap of Everything Included When You Grab Your Discounted Lifetime Access To E.A.N In Action Course Today
Electron-adapted Neurotherapy (14 CEU's)
  Session 1: Clinical Principles Of Terrain Theory ($1497 Value)
  Session 2: MSK Protocols Pt 1- Upper Body ($997 Value)
  Session 3: MSK Protocols Pt 2- Middle & Lower Body ($997 Value)
  Session 4: IM Protocols Pt3- Cardiovascular & Resp. ($1497 Value)
  Session 5: IM Protocols Pt 4- Endocrine ($1997 Value)
  Session 6: IM Protocols Pt 5- Digestive & GU ($1497 Value)
  Session 7: Protocols Pt 6- Auricular Spinal Circuitry ($1997 Value)
  Session 8: Implement & Practice Tansformation ($997 Value)
  E.A.N. In Action Course Manual ($250 Value)
 14 Continuing Education Credits
 E.A.N. Musculoskeletal TX Map ($97 Value)
 E.A.N. Internal Medicine TX Map ($97 Value)
 E.A.N. Rapid Patient Record ($97 Value)
 E.A.N. Freq. & Power Cheat Sheet ($97 Value)
 Headaches & Migraines ($75 Retail)
 Private FB group ($197 Value)
 Electro-Auricular Intensive (10 CEU'S ) Retails at $500
TOTAL VALUE: $13,877
Or 2 x $1147

Frequently Asked Questions

  Who is Electron Adapted Neurotherapy In Action For?

This course is for any Acupuncturist that wants to drastically improve patient and clinical results, reduce workload, and confidently treat any disease no matter how severe. Each session in the course is full of cutting edge diagnostic and treatment protocols which implement and take full advantage of the power of electricity, blended with the medical paradigm of our traditional medicine.

  Does My Skill Level or Experience Matter?

Typically, NO. The minimum requirement is that you are licensed to practice acupuncture. The curriculum is geared towards teaching the fundamentals of electroacupuncture medicine because that forms the basis for your success going forward. Advanced practitioners will also find a generous portion of the course dedicated to mastering the most effective protocols which enable the practitioner to succeed.

  How Is This Different From Previous Courses?

I’m always adding new information and refining the old principles based upon students’ feedback. Electron Adapted Neurotherapy (E.A.N) In Action is focused on the newest, most improved version of my New Spinal Protocol System. Even if you've learned the Spinal Protocol System in the past, rest assured this course will contain tons of new information compared to any previous course on the topic. It will also present previous information in a simpler way that makes it even easier to apply in your practice. The cutting edge-strategies you’ll learn in this course works so well and will help you build a successful practice entirely based around this new Spinal Protocol System.

 How Do I Access My Course & Bonuses?

Almost Immediately (may take a minute or two) after you purchase, you’ll receive an email with login credentials to your password-protected back office on our website. Inside the back office you’ll easily navigate to “Courses” and then to “Electron Adapted Neurotherapy (E.A.N) In Action.” Inside you will find all course modules, resources and bonuses

Frequently Asked Questions

When Is Electric Medicine Live 7?

This is a two day event that takes place Saturday April 15th and Sunday April 16th.

Who is Electric Medicine Live For?

Electric Medicine Live 7 is for any Acupuncturist that wants to drastically improve patient and clinical results, reduce treatment times down to 20 minutes, and be confident to be able to diagnose and treat any disease no matter how severe, all from the spinal circuitry. Our events are full of cutting edge diagnostic and treatment protocols which implement and take full advantage of the power of electricity blended with the medical paradigm of our traditional medicine.

Does My Skill Level or Experience Matter?

Typically no. The minimum requirement is that you are licensed to practice acupuncture. The curriculum is geared towards teaching the fundamentals of electroacupuncture medicine because that forms the basis for your success going forward. Advanced practitioners will also find a generous portion of the classes dedicated to mastering the most effective protocols which enable the practitioner to succeed.

How Is This Different From Previous Electric Medicine Live Events?

We are always adding new information and refining the old principles based upon attendees feedback. We are always bringing in new and different information to each and every event. Electric Medicine Live 7 is focused on teaching and demonstrating electron adapted neuroptherapy protocols on real patients, so you can rapidly master these powerful techniques and immediately implement them into your clinic. Even if you've learned the Electron Adapated Neurotherapy protocols from me in the past, rest assured this event will contain tons of new information compared to any previous event on the Topic. It will also present previous information in a simpler way that makes it even easier to apply in your practice. There will be something for everyone. Many practitioners are repeat attendees because my cutting edge strategies work so well for them, and they have been able to build a successful practice entirely based around Electron Adapted Neurotherapy protocols.

What If I Can’t Make All The Sessions?

When you purchase a ticket today you are purchasing a Live Stream ticket to attend this 2 day event from the comfort of your own home or wherever else you have adequate internet connection. We are streaming this event with an expert crew inside a professional TV studio, so you can expect the highest quality production value. Ticket holders get immediate access to a password protected online "Back Office" where you'll find important event details and bonuses. The event will stream live inside this designated area in your back office. There are however limited in person tickets available for those who would like to be in the studio for the event. This brings us to the next question.

What If I Want To Attend The Event In Person In Atlanta

We can accommodate a limited number of in person attendees at Electric Medicine Live 7. If in person seats are still available you will see an "$250 In Person Ticket Add On" when filling out the online order form for your ticket. Included with your In Person Ticket to the live event is lunch on both Saturday and Sunday as well as our famous "Dinner With The EAM Team." This dinner is up close and personal event to mingle with D. Jeremy and get well acquainted with your fellow live attendees! All ticket holders receive live stream access. If something comes up and you can't make it you will still be able to attend via live stream. That said, in person tickets are non-refundable. In your back office we will provide the address of the Studio as well as suggested hotels to book your accommodations.

Do I Get CEU’s For Attending

Yes. Upon completion of attending or watching the videos and completing the short quiz, you will be awarded 14 CEU credits through the NCCAOM

What Is The Event Schedule?

Both the Saturday and Sunday sessions typically run from 10 AM Eastern Time until roughly 6 PM Eastern Time, with a lunch break and some other short intermissions. As the event nears we will release a finalized schedule with more detail.

What If I Can’t Make All The Sessions?

If you can’t attend all the sessions, don't worry. After each day's stream is over the recording of that day's training will remain in your back office. You'll maintain lifetime access so you can revisit this material many times over.

When Do I Get My Bonuses & Where Do I Find Them

When you get your bonuses depends on the bonuses themselves. Some bonuses will be made available immediately after you purchase your ticket. One of those bonuses is the "Advanced Video Course" Mega Bonus which is a full $1700 course you can begin immediately. Other bonuses will be made available in time for the event itself. All bonuses can be found and/or accessed through your password protected back office on our website.
At This Point, The Only Thing Left To Do Is Grab Access, Dive In & Begin Transforming Your Clinical Outcomes With My Spinal Protocol System 
Grab E.A.N In Action with $1160 In Bonuses Today!
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